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Accueil du site > Forum EKS (wsis) > 6 EKS-CPTIC Wheel > "Eks-cptic Wheel" dedicated to the development of associations of ideas and (...)

"Eks-cptic Wheel" dedicated to the development of associations of ideas and the Creation of concepts

vendredi 9 janvier 2004, par Morel Raymond

Development of associations of ideas and Creation of concepts per interactive comparison

Version française / French version


Use the Interactive Wheel in on-line mode

To reach the interactive wheel, click the following bond :
... ou cliquez sur les copies d’écran qui suivent :

Concept - prototype - Think - Innovate - Communicate

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Instructions of the Interactive Wheel

Instructions : The use of the wheel is commonplace, it is however presented in this page and the PowerPoint file below.

GIF - 55.9 ko
Choose a concept in the list

GIF - 28.7 ko
Rotation of the wheel clockwise
Place the mouse in the zones starting the rotation of the wheel clockwise

GIF - 27.4 ko
Colouring of the texts and Rotation
Seize the pipettes with the mouse and deposit them in the texts to be coloured

GIF - 26.7 ko
Rotation of the coloured wheel
Here what you obtain by clicking the mouse in the zones starting the rotation of the wheel clockwise

PowerPoint - 334.5 ko
How to use the "EKS-CPTIC" wheel

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Download the Interactive Wheel

This Interactive Wheel is consisted of the 3 following files : texte.txt, roue12.swf and welcome.html, that you can download below. These three files must be installed in the same repertory (file) and function as well in local mode in network mode.

texte - 822 octets
ASCII textual file of the Interactive Wheel
File to be modified according to your needs to personalize the Interactive Wheel
Flash - 28.5 ko
File Flash of the Interactive Wheel
This Flash file calls the ASCII textual file which you can personalize
HTML - 34.3 ko
File HTML of the Interactive Wheel
This file calls the file Flash

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Personalize the Interactive Wheel

To personalize the Interactive Wheel, modify the file texte.txt which is presented as follows :

&text2=ICT Teacher education
&text3=Technology Issues
&text4=Leadership - Vision
&text5=Change of Management (Strategy) Economy
&text6=Context - Culture
&text7=Ethics - Social Issues
&text8=Community - Networking
&text9=Content - Pedagogy
&text11=Medical Education
&text12=LifeLong Learning
&text14=well well well
&text21=comment cela\va-t-il ?\aujourd'hui
&text34=bla bla

  • This ASCII textual file includes/understands 40 numbered lines from 0 to 39 ;
  • You thus have 40 different texts personnalisables ;
  • Each text i is represented by a line &text i=text i ;
  • You can thus compose the text of your choice on the right of each sign = ;
  • Attention, with the last line (line 39), leave intact the expression "&tout=bon".

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