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Managing ICT skills profiles

lundi 27 octobre 2003, par HACQUEBARD Anneke E.N.

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Skills and knowledge will be main economic resources in a Knowledge Society.

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Anne Hacquebard

Parties involved want to exchange information about quality and content of knowledge and skills resources. The development of a protocol for communication about skills and knowledge requires a strong international commitment, cooperation and effort on research and development, e.g. on text analysis, modelling, structuring and unified classification schemes for main domains of knowledge.

As an example, ICT professionals from all over the world have been asking for a generic description of ICT skills and knowledge. Because of the great variety in definitions, terminology and conceptual constructs, ambiguity and misunderstandings occur while trying to connect national and international educational and professional descriptions of ICT skills and knowledge. As far as we observed, nobody succeeded in defining such a global standard.

However, it does not seem to be possible to develop one generic standard for ICT skills and knowledge either on a national scale, or on the scale of an international region or on a global scale. This is based on the notion that every description of ICT skills and knowledge has its own professional, social and cultural background and stands in its own rights. A solution asks for a new approach, like the development and application of referential models and tools.

A recent initiative is the development of GRIP (Generic Referential ICT Profiles), a method presented as a "common language" approach, to be used to characterize and analyse existing ICT skills profiles. GRIP can be used for different purposes and with different levels of detail. This approach, originally meant for ICT profiles, seems to have a broad range of application in other domains.

It is a challenge for international cooperation to gather expertise and initiatives towards developing a protocol in order to enable the managing of ICT - and other - knowledge and skills profiles.

Curricula vitae

Drs. Anneke E.N. HACQUEBARD has been working on reference modelling of skills profiles since 1996. She has been project manager and researcher on the project "GRIP (Generic Referential ICT Profiles)", an initiative of IP-HOB, a national platform for business and education in The Netherlands. Anneke Hacquebard graduated in mathematics at Leiden University and several post doc courses on informatics. She used to teach mathematics and informatics at a University for Professional Education, since 1986 she is director of the Consultancy and Research Bureau for Informatics and Education. She participated in several boards and committees concerning ICT and Education and is contributing to a review of a set of Dutch professional ICT profiles. Anneke Hacquebard is a member of IFIP’s Technical Committee 3 on Education and Working Group 3.2 on Higher Education. She participates in the CEN/ISSS workshop on ICT skills and curricula. Together with colleagues from the Open University of the Netherlands she is going to contribute to an ACM project dedicated to the development of a curriculum framework.

Steven P. DIJKXHOORN is an ICT specialist and is studying Educational Science and Arts at the University of Nijmegen. In developing GRIP, his concern has been the application of text analysis and modelling.

Anita ERKELENS B.Sc. graduated from Larenstein University of Professional Education, Velp. She spent several years working on international projects performed by Arcadis Euroconsult and the FAO and was involved in research and vocational training. She specialized in Geographical Information Systems and Tropical. In developing GRIP, she contributed to the design of classification schemes and modelling.

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