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F-ONE - Federation Observatories and Networking for Education

Workshop des 10 au 12 octobre 2004 à Münchenwiler

From Observation to Action : Challenges for Policy and Decision Makers in the Field of ICT in School Education

jeudi 9 février 2006, par Morel Raymond

Commission ICT de la SATW
Workshop des 10 au 12 octobre 2004 à Münchenwiler

Download the complete document (121 pages) Download the complete document (121 pages)

Through the organisation of this international seminar on the challenges related to the strategies and the monitoring of ICT in education, the ICT committee of the SATW offered to experts of more than ten observatories in Europe the opportunity to exchange practices and to implement certain general synergies.

The adopted approach was indeed the necessity for decision-makers  :

  • to have access to significant advanced research results and to be able to compare them objectively (distinction between strategies, research and evaluations)
  • to have available analysis and studies of relevant cases both on the good practices and on the difficulties met in the implementation of national, regional and / or local policies
  • to be able to identify and exchange on the nature of needs and to simplify the accessibility to the relevant data among the numerous projects.
  • to clarify the tendencies and the scenarios of the evolution of the ICT in education, as vectors of choice of education systems in evolution.
  • to bring in evidence the roles of the various observatories in Europe and, if possible, to envisage a mutualization of the activities or a convergence of the services for the decision-makers

After two days of intense work, with a well established and proven methodology, the reader will find in this document the standard structure of the reports of the COM ICT with first the obtained results (the F-ONE project), then the work produced before the workshop, followed by a sample of the many and diversified contributions during the workshop (presentations, case studies, participants’ personal contributions) and ending with bibliographical references and a summary of the activities of the COM ICT and the objectives of the SATW.

Please note that the present document is downloadable (pdf) with numerous links to the full texts (powerpoint) and the references : ?Id_rubrique=55

What most amazed the participants was to have really lived, in spite of various methods, options and very different working domains, the emergence of the necessity of a Federation of Observatories in Europe. This induced first a pre-proposal F-ONE within the framework of Minerva (ODL3 and ICT in Education), then, after being selected with 70 others among about 300 proposed, the final project F-ONE which was finalised in March 2005. After 6 months spent by the experts, the negative answer fell in autumn.

It doesn’t matter much ! The idea is here, the problems at hand are very real and always in front of the decision-makers. The networking is in place and it is now up to the decision-makers and the actors directly concerned to work tactfully and with realism to include such a project within the framework of the next program on LifeLong Learning.

Raymond Morel : Chairman of the SATW ICT Commission

Fulvio Caccia : SATW Vice-Chairman

December 2005

Other already appeared booklets are :

N° 1 Abstracts EKS Forum, december 2003 (WSIS)

N° 2 e-Society, november 2004

N° 3 F3-MITIC, may 2003

N° 4 Competencies Referential(s), september 2004

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