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Accueil du site > Forum EKS (wsis) > 8 Archives > EKS supporting sponsors > WORLD FEDERATION OF ENGINEERING ORGANISATIONS


vendredi 5 décembre 2003, par Giezendanner François Daniel

The World Summit on the Information Society will gather together number of individuals, representatives of different stakeholders and governmental delegations. This occasion will allow to address many important issues related to the present and future of the Information Society.

The forum « Engineering the Knowledge Society » (EKS) as a common effort of collaboration between WFEO and IFIP, SATW and SVI FSI seeks to answer the questions related to future visions of the Information Society from an engineering point of view.

We hope that EKS as a Forum will consolidate the action oriented events organised within the framework of the Summit on the Information Society. WFEO believes that the WSIS is a unique opportunity to highlight the role of the engineering and scientific community in building an inclusive and sustainable information society.

The WFEO has been active since the very beginning of the WSIS preparatory process. WFEO organised on October 2003 the World Engineering Congress on the Digital Divide in Tunis. This event that was organised within the framework of the WSIS witnessed the participation of more than 160 scientific and technological organisations.

WFEO is committed to contributing to the WSIS through a continuing process. The EKS is an important step of this process. We are pleased to have the opportunity to work in partnership with IFIP, SATW, SVI FSI and other partners that significantly contribute to this forum.

Kamel Ayadi

WFEO President - elect

  • World Federation of Engineering Organisations
  • Maison de l’UNESCO 1, rue Miollis, 75732 Paris Cedex 15
  • Tel : +33 1 45 68 48 46, fax : +33 1 75 53 27 05,

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