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SATW : SwissAcademy of Engineering Sciences

vendredi 5 décembre 2003, par Giezendanner François Daniel

To the participants of the Forum EKS During the WSIS in Geneva

Zurich, November 8, 2003

In the framework of WSIS, the Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences (SATW) is delighted to support you in your efforts to anticipate impacts on the new information and communication technologies (ICT) in the Information Society.

Due to the obstinacy, dynamism and enthusiasm of the SATW’s ICT Committee, our Academy was successfully putting together an impressive team of important and strategic partners (WFEO, IFIP, SUN, SWITCH, Hasler Stiftung, SVI-FSI, ICT Switzerland, SI and SISR), and was also able to prepare, in cooperation with them, a Forum EKS (Engineering the Knowledge Society, ICT supporting human developments) as a Summit Event.
The Forum EKS’s objectives converge completely with those of WSIS. 20 orld-wide experts will exchange with you their last reflections and share their knowledge. They will create stimulations and solicitations to empower and implement the WSIS’s declaration and action plan immediately after the Geneva Summit.

The Forum EKS together with the other Summit events is without any doubt a real starting point for a decade of fundamental efforts to transform the actual Information Society into a Human Knowledge Society. The presentations at the Round Table on Friday, December 12, will coincide with the beginning of the « Escalade » (symbolic festival in Geneva) - a perfect omen for your endeavours.

The participants will be provided with the abstracts including the four declarations (Montreal, Vilnius, Carthage and Vienna), which indicate and support the universality of your discussions.

The proceedings, published by the first semester 2004 will encourage you to continue in your efforts.

It’s now your turn, dear participants, to contribute with your competences and your enthusiasm. The SATW and its partners will do their best to encourage your actions and proposals.

Enjoy the Forum EKS ! Good luck and Happy « Escalade ».

Best regards

Willi ROOS

SATW Chairman

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