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SVI / FSI : Fédération suisse des organisations d’informatique

vendredi 5 décembre 2003, par Giezendanner François Daniel

Forum « Engineering the Knowledge Society »

Madam, Sir :

Since decades Switzerland is one of the leading countries in computer applications. However, also our society has still a long way to go from simply using new equipment and technical opportunities toward a Knowledge Society. Structural and - even more important - human obstacles have to be overcome.

The World Summit on Information Society provides the frame for the Forum EKS. This forum is an important step forward to better understanding the problems of the Knowledge Society and methods to become a responsible member in it.

SVI/FSI is proud to be one of the professional societies who made EKS possible.

Truly yours

C.A. Zehnder
President SVI/FSI

Mitglied der IFIP / Membre de l’IFIP / Membro dell’IFIP / Commember dall’IFIP / Member of IFIP

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