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Société Suisse d’Informatique : Forum « Engineering the Knowledge Society »

vendredi 5 décembre 2003, par Giezendanner François Daniel

The Swiss Informatics Society (SI, Swiss Member of Council of European Professional Informatics Societies, (CEPIS) is proud to be one of the professional societies who made the Forum « Engineering the Knowledge Society » (EKS) possible.

As computer science professionals we recognise the growing importance of information technologies in affecting the quality of almost every aspect of our life and commit ourselves to the highest ethical and professional conduct. We accept therefore our responsibility in making engineering decisions consistent with the safety, health and welfare of the public and disclose promptly factors that might endanger the public or the environment. Engineering the Knowledge Society taking in account the principles of sustainability has to seek answers to the challenge of social justice and equality of opportunity in using knowledge and information, and advocate the preservation and promotion of cultural an media diversity as a condition for individual and democratic development and the promotion of peace.

We estimate the Forum EKS within the frame of the World Summit on the information society as an important step to defining human centered engineering principles for the Knowledge Society.

Truly yours

K. Dittrich
President Swiss Informatics Society

Schwandenholzstr. 286 • CH-8046 Zürich • Tel : 01 371 73 42 • Fax : 01 371 23 00 • E-mail : • WWW :
Postkonto / compte postal : 80-64695-6 • Bankkonto / compte en banque : CREDIT Suisse 0716-47282-20, BC 4716
Die SI ist nicht MWSt.-pflichtig • La SI n’est pas soumise à la TVA

Swiss Chapter of the ACM
Mitglied des SVI/FSI • Membre de la SVI/FSI • Membro della SVI/FSI
Member of the Council of European Professional Informatics Societies (CEPIS)

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