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SISR : Société Suisse d’Informatique - Section Romande

vendredi 5 décembre 2003, par Giezendanner François Daniel

Forum « Engineering the Knowledge Society »
In the name of all computer science professionals of Swiss French speaking region, the Swiss Informatics Society French Section (SISR) welcomes the Forum « Engineering the Knowledge Society » (EKS).

We are proud to contribute and to promote this first time event, as a major event helping to develop information technologies and ethics for everyone.

The modern world is undergoing a fundamental transformation as the industrial society that marked the 20th century rapidly gives way to the information society of the 21st century. We are indeed in the midst of a revolution, perhaps the greatest that humanity has ever experienced. To benefit the world community, the successful and continued growth of this new dynamic requires global discussion. The goal of EKS forum is to address the broad range of themes concerning the Information Society and adopt a Declaration of Principles and Plan of Action, addressing the whole range of issues related to the Information Society.

We hope that the conclusion of the Geneva phase of WSIS will be positive and generate a better communication between countries for Information Technology.

As delegate of computer science engineers for French part of Switzerland, SISR wishes plenty of success to EKS forum and to the World Summit on Information Society.

Truly yours,

F. Baud
President of SISR

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