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The e-Society Repository : An Open Tool to Build a Human Information Society

lundi 8 décembre 2003, par LECLERC Jean-Marie

The e-Society Repository :
An Open Tool to Build a Human Information Society

Directeur général du Centre des Technologies de l'Information (CTI)
Etat de Genève
Route des Acacias 82 - 1227 Carouge - Case postale 149 - 1211 Genève 8
Tél. : +41 22 327 79 67
Fax : + 41 22 327 48 77
e-mail :


Through the development of technologies of information and communication, administrations are naturally brought about making two important changes as far as management is concerned : not only to deal with information as a new resource but also to reconsider the place of citizens as clients.

Contrary to private sector, where fast decisions are easily taken in order to eliminate non cost-effective products and to rationalize on profits bases, inclusion and a comprehensive approach of benefits are nowadays to be permanently taken into account by administrations.

In order to face this current complex issue, the State of Geneva has set up an e-society repository, containing 15 dimensions, from technological to ethical factors, through interoperability and cyber-inclusion. Cyberinclusion is achieved by the combination of three indicators : integration, appropriation of technologies and finally, emergence of new potentialities. These indicators will be illustrated by three practical cases.

The first case to be presented is the integration of a birthblind woman in a regular activity. Thanks to a computer expert education, a young blind web-master integrated our team so as to update Internet websites, especially dedicated to a blind public. Indeed, the benefit is double. Not only definitely opened to everyone, the field of technologies also benefits from a better ergonomic due to her particular contribution notably with respect to access to email account and also to analysis of textual propositions.

As far as the second case is concerned, appropriation of technologies allows the extension of activities, especially when those are obstructed by handicap. Indeed, after an education in computer sciences, a father of an autistic daughter managed to install an interface permitting her to finally express herself at the age of 43 years old, for the very first time and for the indescribable pride and emotion of the whole family.

The last case to be introduced is the forum of teenagers struggling with society. As a matter of fact, this forum is the emergence of new potentialities. Indeed the teenagers appropriated themselves this media in order to express their image of society, restoring thus the communication and the dialogue between them and the qualified administration receiving their messages.

In conclusion, these concrete cases demonstrate how developments on technological level may allow the creation of new potential as well as social integration, functional appropriation and local improvements. Naturally, even though those cases remain isolated, they express nevertheless the importance of positioning individuals in the centre of any system of analysis. Individuals, as citizen, must remain the common denominator in any issues both related to access to technologies of the whole population and an equal North/ South development of technologies.

Curriculum Vitae

  • Director of the Centre of Information’s Technologies (CTI) in the State of Geneva (Etat de Genève) since March 2001.
  • PhD, University of Compiègne, Paris, France
  • Thesis dedicated to the conception of information’s systems in decentralized and pluridisciplinary environments.
  • International mandates, particularly in the field of development of information science, related to health systems.
  • Lecturer at the Neuchâtel’s University and various Schools of engineer in Telecommunication and Management, Switzerland
  • Development of multilateral exchanges among public administrations, especially in the region of Neuchâtel (inter-administration project), Switzerland

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