by Lawrence Pratchett, Leicester Business School, De Montfort University
by Michael Remmert, Head of Project “Good Governance in the Information Society” Council of Europe:
Study cases
- "e-Inclusion Living Lab": Patrick Genoud, Andréas Schweizer
map in English map in French
- Kurzfassung Feinkonzept Polit-Simulation „PlayPolitics“ Andreas Hieber, Matthias Vatter
PlayPolitics – -politische Prozesse lernenScreensshots_PlayPolitics
- ECOPOL:-E-COllaboration for transparent-POLicy-making Edith Maier, Ulrich Reimer
- Smartvote 2.0 Giorgiio Nadig, Julien Fiechter
- e-Participation top-down and bottom-up Yaninna Welp, Fernando Mendez
- "Online deliberation" André Bächtiger
- "e-collecting" Lisa Schädel, Julien Fiechter
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