Home pageCommission ICT de la SATW - Groupe de travail e-SocietyWorkshop Münchenwiler May 2010 : «Digital Identity, Trust & Confidence»
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Aims and Scope + Context of this Workshop
Tuesday 4 May 2010
by Raymond Morel
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By invitation only

Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences
ICT Commission, Worksgroup «E-Society»

Workshop on «Digital Identity, Trust & Confidence»
May 20/21, 2010, Parkhotel Schloss Münchenwiler

“Personal data is the new oil of the Internet and the new currency of the digital world … The Government considers issues of Online Safety and Security to be of the utmost importance and a continuing and informed debate is needed to ensure that as a society we make the right choices in the future. As we move toward a world of ubiquitous broadband, governments around the world will need to be increasingly engaged and open about the right mix of ap-proaches to these issues.“ [DIGITAL BRITAIN Final Report, June 2009]

Following the successful workshop on «Identity Management & Trust» (November 2/3, 2006) the ICT Commission will conduct another workshop on «Digital Identity, Trust and Confi-dence» May 20/21, 2010. «Digital Economies», «E-Societies» in terms of modern Information & Knowledge Societies are emerging around the globe and have rapidly developed since 2006, together with new technologies, devices, procedures and standards.

We have the honour to invite you personally to participate in this workshop as follows:
Date: Thursday May 20th, 2010, 16:00, til Friday May 21st, 2010, 16:00
Venue: Parkhotel Schloss Münchenwiler (http://www.schlossmuenchenwiler.ch/default.aspx?lng=en),
Location: http://www.schlossmuenchenwiler.ch/index.aspx?lng=en&modul=top&menu=Location&smenu=Location

Leaders from politics, authorities, economy, society, education & research, media and experts of various areas & disciplines are invited to contribute and to provide current information on this topic which affects almost every online interaction in multiple context. Discussions, work-ing sequences and presentations will reveal interdisciplinary aspects and need for action.

From your active participation and contribution the Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences expects important multiplier effects towards a vast number of bodies, organizations and activi-ties. We wish to thank you sincerely for your involvement and invite you to contact our ex-perts and sources for further information.

As in other countries, important developments on this topic are underway in Switzerland. In the course of the workshop you will benefit from the latest information about the project «Su-isseID» (http://www.kmu.admin.ch/suisseid/index.html?lang=de) and the program «eEconomy» of the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO. We will provide you with details in due course.

This event will be supported by a collaborative online working environment. Before the work-shop, participants will be asked for contribution and input regarding some core issues. The workshop itself is structured in three phases. In phase I, participants share and discuss relevant issues about «Digital Identity, Trust and Confidence» according to their individual experience and view. Phase II will deepen the most important issues and identify need for action. In phase III, a plan for action will emerge from the consolidation of insights and measures. Phases I and II are enriched with different presentations. After the workshop, a documentation will be estab-lished for further working steps. All material will be made available for free on the collaborative platform.

We thus invite you cordially to contribute your input before, during and after the workshop in order to gain the utmost for a broader audience and a continuing discussion.

With kind regards,
On behalf of the committee:

Markus Fischer
MF Consulting
Route du Mont 40
CH-1789 Lugnorre FR