Le séminaire réunira une quarantaine de personnes, provenant de l’ensemble de la Suisse. Quelques invités étrangers participeront également aux travaux.
12 novembre 2009
15.30 Accueil
16.15 Ouverture du séminaire
16.30 Echanges en groupes restreints à partir des contributions préalables des participants : dessin, image, schéma.
But : établir la définition d’apprentissage hybride commune au groupe
18.00 Apports de spécialistes extérieurs :
Prof. Johannes Magenheim
University of Paderborn, Germany Torsten Leidig, SAP, Germany
Theoretical Approach and First Results of the EU-Project MATURE
Knowledge can be represented in various ways, e.g. embedded in a digital resource, as personal experience in an individual’s mind or embedded in work processes within an organisation. Individual and collaborative knowledge achievement contributes to the maturation of knowledge on these different levels and partly can be regarded as hybrid learning. These multidimensional learning processes in the area of knowledge maturing need specific contextualized support according to the learners’ demands. The talk will deal with different dimensions of learning, their contribution to knowledge maturing and with personalized learning environments, called PLME (Personal Learning and Maturing Environment).
Prof. Pierre Dillenbourg
Centre de Recherche et d’Appui pour la Formation et ses Technologies
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL)
Initial training should provide graduates with the skills that allow them to develop new skills along their life. That’s nice to say, but is it really possible? What are these ’skills for the future’: the mysterious "learning to learn" or robust polytechnical bases in maths and physics ? Or chemisty? Or biology? Or computer science? Is it actually possible to "teach" domain-independent cognitive skills such a problem solving, effective communication, collaboration, rigour, creativity ? The answer is not the same for the different skills considered, but, overal, there is a contradiction between the political discourse on transversal skills and empirical results on the difficulty of transfert. Between the two views, the implementation of a university policy has to be pragmatic: at EPFL, we try to squeeze some ’skills for the future’ within a curriculum that has to accomodate the ever growing scientific knowledge.
19.30 Souper
21.00 Présentation des définitions élaborées par les groupes restreints
21.30 Echanges informels
13 novembre 2009
8.30 à 10.00 Présentation et étude de cas :
Trois séries de trois présentations ont lieu simultanément durant 30 minutes. Chacun choisit le thème qui lui convient.
Voir les sujets des study cases
10.00-10.30 Pause
10.30-12 Travaux de groupes : élaboration de recommandations
12.00-12.30 Mise en commun
12.30-14.00 Repas
14.00-15.30 Elaboration finale des recommandations, mise en forme de publication
15.15-16.00 Mise en commun et fin du séminaire