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The place of the Münchewiler Round Table in the international calender
Friday 20 March 2009
by Raymond Morel
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The place of the Münchenwiler round table in the international calender

A - International calender

The OECD, the European Commission, the European Parliament, the United Nations, many countries, statistical offices, universities and private foundations have established a vast network that tries to bring up the new factors of progress. Many events in the past and in the future form a dynamic international timetable where each dimension of quality of life and progress is discussed. Among the conferences and the major initiatives, one can note:

• Istanbul: « Measuring and Fostering the progress of Societies », Second OECD World Forum on Statistics, Knowledge and Policy, 27-30 June.
• Brussels: « Beyond GDP » organised by European Commission, European Parliament, Club of Rome, WWF and OECD, 19-20 November. 

• Paris: Creation by President Nicolas Sarkozy of the « Stiglitz Commission on measuring economic performances and social progress » (http://www.stiglitz-sen-fitoussi.fr).
• Strasbourg: “Involving citizens/communities in measuring and fostering well-being and progress: towards new concepts and tools”, 27-28 November.
• Deauville: « Progress to share, future to dare », Women’s Forum Global, 16-18 October.


• London: Publications by the Financial Times of articles on measuring progress beyond GDP, 27-31 January (http://www.beyond-gdp.eu/fr/news.html#ftseries).
• London: Report on « National Accounts of well-being » published by the New Economics Foudation, 24 January (http://www.neweconomics.org/gen/).
• Washington: Creation by President Barak H. Obama of an Office of Social Innovation (http://www.whitehouse.gov/administration/eop/) , January.
• Paris: Dissemination of the results of the « Stiglitz Commission and organisation by French President of a top level meeting to enhance the French initiative on new indicators of progress and quality of life, April/May.
• Münchenwiler: Round Table « Progress and quality of life, Switzerland in 2029 », organised by the Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences, the OECD and the Fondation du Devenir in collaboration with Avenir suisse and the review La Chair et le Souffle, 4-5 June.
• Brussels: « Preparatory meeting of European countries » to the 3rd OECD World Forum to be held in Korea.
• Busan, Korea: « Charting Progress, Building Visions, Improving Life », 3rd OECD World Forum on Statistics, Knowledge and Policy, 27-30 October.
• Kyoto: “ Measuring and Fostering the Progress of Societies: Key Issues for the Asia and Pacific regions ”. The OECD in collaboration with the University of Kyoto and the Nissan Leadership Program for Innovative Engineers, 23-24 March.
• Rome: “ Measuring the Progress of Italian Society ”, organized by the Institute for Studies and Economic Analyses (ISAE) and OECD, 3-4 June. (http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/44/49/41507257.pdf)

• Shanghai: World Expo « Better City for Better Life », 1st May - 31 October
• Neuchâtel: Conference co-organised by the University of Neuchâtel in collaboration with several Swiss and international partners.

B - Invitation

The crisis that our societies go through along with a general desire to strive for a better quality of life lead to re-examine the notion of progress.

At the international and European level the “Global Project on Measuring Progress in Societies” led by the OECD intends to formulate a new vision of the progress and to propose new indicators, in addition to GDP. In Switzerland, the Information Technologies and Communication Commission of the Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences and the Fondation du Devenir in collaboration with Avenir suisse and the review La Chair et le Souffle (Faculty of Theology of the University of Neuchâtel) have taken a joint initiative to gather forty personalities in order to formulate a vision of progress focused on quality of life for all in a sustainable and economically dynamic Switzerland.

In this context, we are delighted to invite you to participate to the Round Table

"Progress and quality of life, Switzerland in 2029"

to be held in Münchenwiler


on Thursday 4 June 2009 (16h) to Friday 5 June 2009 (16h).

Furthermore, we would like to fix an appointment with you in order to make a filmed interview of your opinion to be included in a documentary. This interview could be done preferably before the Münchenwiler Round Table according to your possibilities.

Please find as attached documents the introduction to this meeting and the international timetable in which it is included as well as some practical informations. We are at your disposal for any further information and would be grateful if you could answer by e-mail or phone to Bernard Cazaban, External Relations and Communication Officer: matagrini@yahoo.com - tel: + 41 (0)79 399 74 58.
Looking forward to seeing you on 4th and 5th June, yours faithfully.

Raymond Morel

Chairman of the Information Technology and Communication Commission
of the Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences

C – Practical informations


Parkhotel Schloss Münchenwiler 
CH-1797 Münchenwiler
Tél. + 41 (0)26 672 81 81
Fax. + 41 (0)26 672 81 82

By car, Motorway A1, exit Murten:

- Take the direction of Lausanne

- At the third roundabout, turn left and follow the sign "Münchenwiler.

By train to Morat, then taxi to the castle, CHF 15.00 or walk approx. 40 minutes (uphill), distance approx. 3 km or continue by bus to the stop Restaurant Bären, then approx. 2 minutes walk.

By train to Münchenwiler-Courgevaux, then taxi to the castle 15.00 CHF or about a 25 minutes walk (slightly uphill) approx. 1 km.
Taxi company Wieland, tel: 026 672 29 29

All financial costs of your participation to the Round Table are supported by the Swiss Academy of Technical Sciences, apart from your travel expenses.

To confirm your participation, please fill up the registration form.