Home pageCommission ICT de la SATW - Groupe de travail e-SocietyWorkshop Münchenwiler March 2009 : Digital Inclusion : Direct Democracy and e-Participation
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Documents published in this section
Friday 6 February 2009
by Raymond Morel
Summary of the project
Despite the fact that Switzerland is an economically advanced country with a high broadband and mobile phone penetration rate, research on the effects of ICTs in a direct democratic political system is lacking. Over the last decade European democracies have conducted numerous trials with a wide range of ICT enabled forms of political experimentation. These initiatives have been conducted across various levels of political authority, from the local and regional right through to the supranational. Intriguingly, to the extent that ICT’s have been used in such a way they have (...)

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Friday 6 February 2009
by Raymond Morel
Aims and Scope + Context of this Workshop
Texte préliminaire de février 2009 (version 2-fr)
pour les invitations
Commission ICT de la SATW

Workshop des 12 et 13 mars 2009
à Münchenwiler
The Swiss Academy of Engineering sciences (SATW) created in 2002 an ICT Comittee to promote ICT in Switzerland.
Under the chairmanship of Raymond Morel, this Comittee works in three domains :
e-Education, e-Health and e-Society and collaborates with many partners. (...)

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Friday 6 February 2009
by Raymond Morel
Programm and list of participants / Programme et liste des participants / Programm und Liste der Teilnehmenden
Programm (version 25. Februar)
Programme (version au 25 février)
List of participants (version 9 of March)

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Friday 6 February 2009
by Raymond Morel
Questions to the participants on the key issues around the main theme to be answered before the workshop
Fragen zu beantworten
1) Was verstehen Sie unter e-Participation?

2) Welche Vorteile von e-Participation sehen Sie?
3) Welche Gefahren von e-Participation sehen Sie?

4) Wie kann e-Participation in der Schweiz gefördert oder verbessert

5) Welche Punkte gilt es im Zusammenhang mit direkter Demokratie
 (Volksabstimmungen) zu beachten?

1) Que comprenez-vous par e-participation?
2) Quels avantages voyez-vous dans la e-participation?
3) Quels dangers y voyez-vous?
4) Comment la e-participation pourrait-elle être promue voir (...)

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Friday 6 February 2009
by Raymond Morel
Inputs during the workshop / Présentations pendant le workshop / Präsentation während dem Workshop
e-Democracy:-From Theory to Enactment by Lawrence Pratchett, Leicester Business School, De Montfort University CAHDE and the Future of Electronic Experiences in Term of Political Participation by Michael Remmert, Head of Project “Good Governance in the Information Society” Council of Europe: Study cases "e-Inclusion Living Lab": Patrick Genoud, Andréas Schweizer map in English map in French Kurzfassung Feinkonzept Polit-Simulation „PlayPolitics“ Andreas Hieber, Matthias Vatter PlayPolitics – -politische Prozesse lernenScreensshots_PlayPolitics (...)

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Friday 6 February 2009
by Raymond Morel
Documentation and references / Documentation et références / Dokumentation und Referenzen
this section will be gradually completed following the preparation of the workshop
COMMUNICATING LIVING LABS’ ESSENTIALS Putting eParticipation research on the service of Civil Society
Pedro Prieto Martín Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, IN3, Barcelona, Spain Online and offline participation at the local level:
a quantitative analysis of the Catalan municipalities
Rosa Borge*, Clelia Colombo# and Yanina Welp Comparative Project on Local e-Democracy
Initiatives in Europe and North America (...)

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Friday 6 February 2009
by Raymond Morel
Final Recommendations & Full Proceedings
Work to achieve after the workshop : Le projet de communiqué de presse en français
Entwurf Medienmitteilung Münchenwiler 09 auf Deutsch Verändert das Internet unsere Demokratie? SATW ICT INFO 2-10 Internet transformera-t-il notre démocratie?
SATW ICT INFO 2-10 Recommandations : projet d’ICT NEWS en français Empfehlungen : draft ICT NEWS auf Deutsch Full proceedings (version (...)

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