Home pageCommission ICT de la SATW - Groupe de travail e-Education10 Forums "Educational Trendspotting"
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Documentation and references collected during the 10 Forums
Monday 4 January 2010
by Raymond Morel
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During the Worlddidac

for video streaming ==> https://collection.switch.ch/results?q=sfem+2010&submit=

On Thursday 28th of November 2010

  • Introduction Hanna Muralt Müller
video : https://cast.switch.ch/vod/clips/207wm581zi/quicktime.mov
Referent: Moshe Rappoport, IBM Research GmbH

Coolhunting through Swarm Creativity –Trend Discovery by Reading the Collective Mind

video : https://cast.switch.ch/vod/clips/9uz9ej0v8/quicktime.mov

Referent: Dr. Peter A. Gloor, MIT, Boston
  • Talk: Trendsetters und Trends auf dem Prüfstand
video : https://cast.switch.ch/vod/clips/2oruhuvj14/quicktime.mov
  • Schlusswort : Beat Jost, Geschäftsführer Worlddidac
video : https://cast.switch.ch/vod/clips/1oizdxmn2p/quicktime.mov

On Friday 29th of November 2010

Discours de Gilles Marchand, Directeur Radio Télévision Suisse (RTS)
video :https://cast.switch.ch/vod/clips/1gcc3tlfgh/quicktime.mov
video : https://cast.switch.ch/vod/clips/1gcc3tlg0d/quicktime.mov
Referentin: Mme Josiane Aubert, Conseillère nationale
video : https://cast.switch.ch/vod/clips/1gcc3tlgqb/quicktime.mov
Referent: Prof. Bernard Cornu, Directeur de l’Innovation – Centre National d’Enseignement à Distance (CNED), Poitiers, France
video : https://cast.switch.ch/vod/clips/exdo99vbu/quicktime.mov

Referent: Dr. Frédéric Kaplan, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
video : https://cast.switch.ch/vod/clips/b12llh1jo/quicktime.mov
Referent: Raymond Morel - Président de la Commission ICT (SATW)
Animatrice : Veronika Lévesque

After the Worlddidac

Referent: Andy Schär - FHNW
Veronika Lévesque
@ http://www.educationalmedia.ch/keynotes/ @http://www.educationalmedia.ch/archiv-2010/ 

for video streaming ==> https://collection.switch.ch/results?q=sfem+2010&submit=

  • Ade McCormack
    The e-Skills Manifesto
    With contributions from leading figures in government,
    education, policy, research and industry

    Europe’s economic future is highly dependent on having a highly skilled workforce. In order to remain competitive in a global marketplace, Europe’s
    IT functions and technology service providers need to have ready access to an e-skills-proficient labour force. Increasingly the e-skills capability
    of end users will also determine the sustainability of Europe’s collective
    economy. But we must be careful not to create an underclass of people who are not only unemployed but unemployable. This manifesto
    provides insight and actionable content from a broad cross section of perspectives. This is an essential guide for those that have influence over the acquisition, development and consumption of 21st century IT professionals and their counterparts in the user community.
    This book is produced by European Schoolnet and DIGITALEUROPE as part of the European e-Skills Week. It is funded by the European Commission and the European e-Skills Association.
  • La plateforme THOT a publié à mi-juin 2010 un intéressant article intitulé :
    Construire son parcours d’autoformation
    Pour en savoir plus consulter :
  • Extraits des 21 recommandations en français sur le Lifelong Learning lors du Workshop de septembre 2006 à Münchenwiler
    Document complet : http://www.ict-21.ch/com-ict/IMG/pdf/mun200609.pdf
  • Jeffrey Gitomer discute l’importance de LLL dans notre quotidien et propose une définition à travers ses expériences d’enrichissement personnel
    Jeffrey Gitomer discusses the importance of learning everyday and your dedication to enriching yourself
  • tic&société http://ticetsociete.revues.org/
    Numéro Vol. 4, n° 1 (2010)

    • Christian Papilloud
  • Christian Papilloud
    • Bernhard Rieder
De la communauté à l’écume : quels concepts de sociabilité pour le « web social » ?
  • Alain Vaucelle et Henri Hudrisier
Langages structurés et lien social


  • Catherine Lejealle
Dans quelle mesure la TV sur mobile est-elle interactive ?


  • Guillaume Latzko-Toth
Le chat est-il (encore) un média interactif?


  1. Slumdog inspiration
  2. Sugata Mitra shows how kids teach themselves