Questionnaire (general):
Input from the participants to general questions regarding digital identities etc.
Question 1 :
On electronic platforms, in electronic interactions: what do trust and confidence mean to you?
Question 2 :
On electronic platforms, in electronic interactions: what do safety and security mean to you?
Question 3 :
For what reasons do you trust in electronic platforms, services, interactions?
Question 4 :
If not: why don’t you trust in electronic platforms, services, interactions?
Question 5 :
What does a digital identity, what do digital identities mean to you?
Question 6 :
In your opinion, what are the key requirements for making electronic platforms, services, interactions trustworthy?
Question 7 :
What next steps should be undertaken in order to establish trustworthiness in online interactions?
Question 8 :
What can, will you contribute to achieve, preserve trust and confidence in the emerging Internet Economy?
Answering for registrated person at
Questionnaire (specific):
In addition to the generic aspects, participants should learn from your input to some more specific questions.
Question 9 :
Why could centralization and privatization of databases on persons and groups be considered as a major threat for citizenship, cultural diversity?
Question 10 :
At which level should Net Neutrality be teached in elementary school as key knowhow for sustainable humanity in the digital age?
Question 11 :
How could a global and irrevocable adoption of free culture, free licencing be an option, prerequisite for a non-discriminating, trstable and confident e-society?
Question 12 :
How much could the attribution of mandates for digital ID management by governments to transnational companies be considered a significant threat to a sustainable economy?
Question 13 :
Should (and if: at which level, by what means) armed forces prevent attacks on national interests about digital identities held with private organizations?
Answering for registrated person at specific/overview.aspx