ICT Industry Analysis
Direct links to on-going projects in this IS Policy Area
Mapping and analysis of the dynamics of ICT R&D
In this area, we undertake the mapping and analysis of the dynamics of ICT industry and of its R&D and innovation potential. With its annual R&D expenditure of ~€34Bill PPP (2007), the ICT industry represents a quarter of total European Business Expenditure in Research and Development (BERD), and shows to be a major engine of innovation and competitiveness.
Improving the understanding of this industry provides targeted analytical support to the Directorate Generals of the Commission dealing with the ICT sector such as DG CONNECT or DG ENTR.
Related projects, events and publications
- PREDICT: Prospective Insights on R&D in ICT
Providing data on the size, distribution and sources of public and private investments in R&D in European ICT sectors. More...
- COMPLETE: COMPetitiveness by Leveraging Emerging Technologies Economically
Analysing the potential impact of emerging technologies on the competitiveness of the European ICT industry. More...
- EIPE: European ICT Poles of Excellence
The EIPE Project is to set the general conceptual and methodological conditions for defining, identifying, analysing and monitoring the existence and progress of current and future EIPE, as to develop a clear capacity in distinguishing those among the many European ICT clusters, benchmarking them with non-European poles, observing their dynamics and offer a thorough analysis of their characteristics. More...
- INDPOL: Rethinking Innovation and Industrial policies in the EU&US
A research effort aiming at improving our understanding of the nature and factors of ICT and ICT-enabled innovation in a Digital Economy. More...
- MCI: Media and content industry
IPTS initiated a research programme on the media and content industries and commissioned a study to TNO-SMIT to investigate the current status and dynamics affecting specific MCI sub-sectors setup. The goal is to contribute significantly to the understanding and debate about the economic health and development conditions that would support the future competitiveness of the European MCIs within the digital economy. More...
- Patent intelligence for policy support
Since 2007, we build and exploit an in-house capacity for analysing patent data, with a special focus on the Information and Communication Technology (ICT). We concentrate our efforts on developing and applying state-of-the-art methodologies of patent analysis. In our work we make use of PATSTAT, the EPO Worldwide Patent Statistical Database, gathering data from more over 80 countries. The outputs of our analysis, mainly focused on ICT-related data, cover issues of Performance measurement, Internationalisation measurement and Competitiveness analysis. They are fairly visible in most of our flagship reports such as those of the EIPE, PREDICT and COMPLETE research projects. We also run a periodic international workshop for patents analysis practitioners. More...
Completed Projects
- Trends in European public and private investments in ICT R&D (REDICT)
Providing data on the size, distribution and sources of public and private investments in R&D in European ICT sectors; analysing the relationship between the R&D investment decisions in the ICT sectors and the design and functionality of the local/national innovation systems and giving a prospective view on the R&D investments in the European ICT industry. More...
- Internationalisation of European ICT activities (INVICTA)
Developing theoretical and practical understanding of the dynamics of internationalisation of ICT industry in the European Union, to compile data on the internationalisation of ICT activities in EU, and to outline theoretically and empirically sound policy alternatives for promoting research, competitiveness and job creation in EU. More...
- Asian R&D in ICT (ARDICT)
Identifying and describing, from a quantitative and qualitative point of view, the major features and changes of ICT R&D in Asia, in line with available data and analysis in the REDICT project, as to better assess the threats and opportunities offered by the Asian recent economic growth, for the competitiveness of the European ICT industry in general and its R&D in particular.
- IS take-up in the New Member States and the Candidate Countries
This study analyses and aggregates available data relevant to Information Society take-up in the New Member States and Candidate Countries including statistical indicators, best practice and Information Society policies, with a view to offering a platform for scientifically sound, evidence-based and collaborative debate among stakeholders in the New Member States and Candidate Countries. More...