Social Computing
The impact of Social Computing or Web 2.0 on the EU Economy and Society
Social Computing has exhibited a prolific and unexpected growth since its genesis in the early years of this decade and, since 2005, it has achieved unprecedented levels of EU and global usage. Current estimates indicate more than 130 million Europeans are involved in Social Computing and are interacting in a broad spectrum of commercial, leisure and social domains. Beyond the initial wave of people "getting involved", Social Computing is now expected to have major impacts on society and the economy.
In 2007, the JRC initiated a project on Social Computing as part of the JRC Exploratory Research Scheme. At the time, available evidence was largely anecdotal and generally not comparable. Hence the objective of our research was to provide robust, evidence-based, scientific analysis to support EU policy makers. The research examined the EU position in terms of creation and adoption of Social Computing and identified relevant, emerging technological and socio-economic trends. After an initial study, the scope of the work was expanded and co-financed by the European Commission’s Directorates General for Education and Culture, Information Society and Media, and Enterprise and Industry.
IPTS Reports on Social Computing (2008-2009):
- The Impact of Social Computing on the EU Information Society and Economy (2009). K. Ala-Mutka, D. Broster, R. Cachia, C. Centeno, C. Feijóo, A. Haché, S. Kluzer, S. Lindmark, W. Lusoli, G. Misuraca, C. Pascu, Y. Punie, J. A. Valverde. Editors: Y. Punie, W. Lusoli, C. Centeno, G. Misuraca, D. Broster.
The Report brings together multi-sector research findings and highlights the rapid growth of Social Computing. The report explores the relevance of this growth for policy makers and its policy related implications in order to reap the benefits and also mitigate the possible risks. It shows that if well managed Social Computing can have an important positive impact on key policy areas such as industry, citizens, identity, social inclusion, education and training, healthcare, public health, public governance and democratic participation.
- Web 2.0 - Social Computing and Immigrants and Ethnic Minorities: Usage Trends and Implications (2010). Authors: D. Diminescu, M. Jacomy, M. Renault. Editors: S. Kluzer, A. Haché
- Learning in Online Networks and Communities (2010). K. Ala-Mutka.
- Public Services 2.0: The Impact of Social Computing on Public Services (2009). N. Huijboom, T. van den Broek, V. Frissen, L. Kool, B. Kotterink, M. Meyerhoff Nielson, J. Miljard. Editors: Y. Punie, G. Misuraca, D. Osimo.
- Learning 2.0: The Impact of Web 2.0 Innovations on Education and Training in Europe (12/2009). C. Redecker, K. Ala-Mutka, M. Bacigalupo, A. Ferrari and Y. Punie
- Learning 2.0: The Impact of Web 2.0 Innovation on Education and Training in Europe (03/2009). K. Ala-Mutka, M. Bacigalupo, S. Kluzer, C. Pascu, Y. Punie and C. Redecker.
- Web 2.0: Where does Europe stand? (2009). S. Lindmark
- Good Practices for Learning 2.0: Promoting Innovation (2009). S. Heid, T. Fischer, W. Kugemann. Editors: C. Redecker, M. Bacigalupo, K. Ala-Mutka, Y. Punie.
- Good Practices for Learning 2.0: Promoting Inclusion (2009). J. Cullen, C. Cullen, D. Hayward, V. Maes. Editors: C. Redecker, M. Bacigalupo, K. Ala-Mutka, Y. Punie.
- The Socio-economic Impact of Social Computing: Proceedings of a validation and policy options workshop (2008). Y. Punie, K. Ala-Mutka, M. Cabrera Giraldez, R. Cachia, C. Centeno, S. Lindmark, D. Osimo, R. Ozcivelek, C. Pascu, M. Ulbrich, J. Valverde Albacete. Editor: Y. Punie Y.
- Social Computing: Study on the Use and Impacts of Collaborative Content (2008). K. Ala-Mutka.
- Social Computing: Study on the Use and Impact of Online Social Networking (2008). R. Cachia.
- An Empirical Analysis of the Creation, Use and Adoption of Social Computing Applications (2008). C. Pascu.
- Web 2.0 in Government: Why and How? (2008). D. Osimo.
Scientific Publications:
- The Impact of Social Computing on Public Services: a Rationale for Government 2.0(2010).T Van Den Broek, V Frissen, N Huijboom, Y Punie, published in European Journal of ePractice 9; 2010. p. 5-19.
- Government 2.0 - Hype, Hope, or Reality? (2010). D. Osimo, published in European Journal of ePractice, Issue 9.
- User-led, citizen innovation at the interface of services (September 2009). C. Pascu, M. Van Lieshout, published in Emerald Info Journal Volume 11 Issue 6, Special Issue: Policy support for next generation communications.
- The Next Paradigm Shift in the Mobile Ecosystem: Mobile Social Computing and the Increasing Relevance of Users (Q3 2009). C. Feijoo, C. Pascu, G. Misuraca, W. Lusoli, published in Communications & Strategies, IDATE, No. 75.
- Healthcare through Social Computing: A Case for Public-Private Collaboration (2009). J. A. Valverde, published in International Journal of Management and Network Economics 1 (3); 2009. p. 343-355.
- "Social computing - Implications for the EU innovation landscape" C. Pascu, D. Osimo, G. Turlea, M. Ulbrich, Y. Punie, J.-C. Burgelman, published in:
- "The Emergence of Social Computing: Implications for Government". D. Osimo, Y. Punie. Published in:
- Intermedia, Journal of the International Institute of Communications Volume 36 (Number 2); (2008). p. 26-31.
- bit 171, Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros de Telecomunicación (Coit) (Oct-Nov 2008).
- The socio-economic impact of emerging social computing applications (September 2008) C. Pascu, published in EFMN Foresight Brief No. 147
- The Potential Disruptive Impact of Internet 2 Based Technologies (2007). C. Pascu, D. Osimo, G. Turlea, M. Ulbrich, J. Burgelman, published in First Monday 12 (3).
Related Events:
Results from JRC- IPTS on Social Computing have been presented at the following events:
- 2010: Technical Seminar on ICT in Social Security (22-23 June 2010 in Beirut, Lebanon)
- 2010: EUROCITIES Knowledge Society Forum 'Spring Event 2010', 24-26 March 2010 in Tallinn, Estonia. IPTS participated with a presentation on IPTS Exploratory Research on emerging ICT-enabled governance models in EU cities (EXPGOV) (here).
- 2010: The Future of Information Society and Challenges for Good Governance - 11th Bled Forum on Europe Foresight Conference, 11-12 March 2010 in Bled, Slovenia. IPTS participated with a presentation on " The Impact of Social Computing: Challenges and Opportunities for Europe".
- 2009: 'Major Findings' Workshop on Socio-economic implications of Social Computing. 12-13 November 2009 in Brussels. The presentations can be found here.
- 2009: Seminar on Technologies for the Quality of Life of Elderly Citizens, on 15 June, held at the Polytechnic University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain. IPTS was invited by the Spanish Chapter of the 'Club de Roma' to make a presentation on 'Active Ageing, Health and Web 2.0' (here).
- 2009: Conference on 'Sanidad 2.0: Innovación y Redes Sociales en el Sector Salud', on 11 June, held at Deusto University Library, Bilbao, Spain. IPTS was invited by the Basque Regional Government, Deusto Business School and Innobasque to present the studies carried out on the opportunities provided by Social Computing for biomedical research on rare diseases (here).
- 2009: Club Gertech Workshop 'IV Jornada Formativa sobre Innovación y Tecnología para la Gerencia Sanitaria', on 9 June, held at IPTS, Seville, Spain. IPTS made a presentation the results of the studies on Social Computing applied to the health sector (here).
- 2008: Inforsalud 2008 - XI National Congress, organised by the Spanish Society of Health Informatics, and held in Madrid on 16 - 17 April, 2008. IPTS was invited to present the results of the current studies on Web 2.0 and health. The presentation can be found here.
- 2007: International Conference 'Social Inclusion and Healthcare Provision in European Regions', organised by the ENRICH Network and Regione Umbria, held in Perugia, Italy on 30 November. The key presentation at the plenary: 'Social Computing for Health in an Ageing Context' can be found here
- 2007. 'New Patterns of Innovation in Public eServices'. Presentation at a parallel session of the eChallenges Conference held in Den Haag, the Netherlands, on 26 October 2007. This presentation shows how new innovation models (typical of web2.0) are applicable and applied in public services, and the implications that arise from these. It can be found here.
- 2007. 'The Elephant and the Mice: Will Web 2.0 change Public Services?'. Presentation at the final plenary session of the eChallengegs Conference held in Den Haag, the Netherlands, on 26 October 2007. This presentation analyzes dark scenarios of web2.0 for public services, built by stretching existing cases and weak signals. It can be found here.
- 2007. 'Potential Impact of Social Computing (Web 2.0) on eHealth' - plenary presentation at the 4th IAVANTE International Symposium 'Improving Health through Education' held on 22-23 October in Granada, Spain at the Advanced Multifunctional Centre for Simulation and Technological Innovation (CMAT), at the Health Sciences Technology Park. The presentation can be found here.
- 2007. 'Web 2.0 for eGovernment: Why and How?' Tutorial held at the Ministerial Conference on eGovernment ( in Lisbon, Portugal. The presentation can be found here.
- 2007. 'Web 2.0: What's in it for eGovernment and eParticipation?' - presentation at the eParticipation Workshop, Brussels, 26 February 2007. The presentation can be found here.