
Introduction 2
Case Zambia:
Raise awareness on ICT for education 5
1. Creating and upgrading relevant educational material 6
2. Improving teacher competencies 7
3. Improving school management 8
Case Kenya:
How to keep teachers enthusiastic at rural schools 9
4. Strengthening youth employability 10
5. Integrating ICT into policy and strategy 10
Summary and trends in ICT for Education 11

The use of information and communication
technology (ICT) can significantly improve
the chances for children to receive universal
access to education (Millenium Development
Goal number 2), but can also contribute to a
higher quality of education and better school
management. A geography teacher with
access to appropriate learning tools and a
student who finds a better job thanks to newly
acquired computer skills are just two examples
of the results of IICD’s work in education.
Using ICT to improve education has been an
IICD priority since its establishment in 1996.