Results for "LIVRE.gpy Lifelong-learning digital native Net Generation"


« Apprendre autrement » à l’ère numérique Se former, collaborer, innover : un nouveau modèle éducatif pour une égalité des chances. - Mission Fourgous 2

Rapport de la mission parlementairede Jean-Michel Fourgous, député des Yvelines,sur l’innovation des pratiques pédagogiquespar le numérique et la formation des enseignants« Apprendre autrement »à l’ère numériqueSe former, co...

Tags: Teacher education, new roles of the teacher, digital pedagogy, learning 2.0, LIVRE.gpy Lifelong-learning digital native Net Generation, innovation, society, education, digital-competencies

1725 days ago

Educating the Net Generation - Diana Oblinger EDUCAUSE and James OblingerNorth Carolina State University

"It started with our children. Trying to get them to study without the TV and radio was rarely successful. (We succeeded—temporarily—when the house had been struck by lightning and almost all the household electronics were “fried.”) Trying to concentrate with the stereo on...

Tags: Teacher education, new roles of the teacher, digital pedagogy, learning 2.0, LIVRE.gpy Lifelong-learning digital native Net Generation

3448 days ago