Results for "SATW"


Themenplattform e-Switzerland (description 18th of September 2012) pluriannuel de a+ et de la SATW période 2012-2016 l'A...cience des autres plateformes SATW et cherche à la stratégie de la SATW ? Autres informations import...Raymond Morelraymond.morel(at) Mitglieder der Themenplat...

3837 days ago

Archives of the COM ICT (2002-2011)

...ll 2011 was the COM ICT (Commission ICT) of the SATW very active on the ICT domain...// In mid-2011, with the "SATW Moderniesirung" all the commi...on the folowing links : Activities 2002-2011 SATW Commission ICT - Working grou...

3276 days ago