Results for "University of Geneva"

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Journey in Professionalism : Interviews in liaison with a presentation at UNESCO Paris WSIS + 10 Review Meeting Feb. 2013. Topics include: ICT Trends, Education Trends, Entrepreneurship Models, ICT Professionalism Defined - Stephen Ibarak

...a Professor at the Inholland University of Applied Sciences, a Senior...via to the United Nations in Geneva. During his stay in Geneva, he served as the First Vice-Chai...king and networking site for university and college students, and the...

4068 days ago

Documents & References for the COM ICT | domain General (2002-2011)

...l Literacy - Pursuing Digital Literacy in the 21st Century" at Brunel University 17th-18th of November) in ad...Society) Forum part of WSIS(World Summit of the Information Society), Geneva dec 2003 + Abstracts From th...

4428 days ago