Computational thinking -
" So what is Computational Thinking? Although it sounds like it, we don’t want you to think like a computer. It’s really set of ways to think that help you...
3618 days ago
Apprendre 2.0 : " Gaëlle Sogliuzzo, professeur-documentaliste en lycée à la Cité Scolaire Beaumont (Redon, 35) a conçu un portfolio tr&e...
3963 days ago
from THOT cursus En pratique les Moocs sont des cours ouverts avec un nom plus marketing que «cours ouvert» et un calendrier pour coordonner tout le monde....
3963 days ago
"Michel Serres: "Les enseignants sont totalement désorientés"
"Michel Serres: "Les enseignants sont totalement désorientés"Par Marie Caroline Missir, publié le 15/11/2013 à 19:29 Le philosophe et ac...
3963 days ago
Mapping and analysing prospective technologies for learning in Europe
Mapping and analysing prospective technologies for learning in Europe EU policies are focussing on strengthening of Europe’s innovativecapacity and the mod...
4002 days ago
Mapping and analysing prospective technologies for learning in Europe
Mapping and analysing prospective technologies for learning in Europe EU policies are focussing on strengthening of Europe’s innovativecapacity and the mod...
4002 days ago
Social Computing The impact of Social Computing or Web 2.0 on the EU Economy and Society
Social Computing The impact of Social Computing or Web 2.0 on the EU Economy and Society Social Computing has exhibited a prolific and unexpected growth since its...
4003 days ago
Social Computing The impact of Social Computing or Web 2.0 on the EU Economy and Society
Social Computing The impact of Social Computing or Web 2.0 on the EU Economy and Society Social Computing has exhibited a prolific and unexpected growth since its g...
4003 days ago
Learning & Skills The use and potential of ICT for learning, education and training DG EAC Lifelong Learning policies aim to harness the power of IC...
4003 days ago