Results for "engineering"

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Ken Robinson nous dit en quoi l'école tue la créativité.

encore une bonne video en faveur d'un re-engineering de l'éducation !   A voir sans délai !!!!!!!!!

3434 days ago

Journey in Professionalism : Interviews in liaison with a presentation at UNESCO Paris WSIS + 10 Review Meeting Feb. 2013. Topics include: ICT Trends, Education Trends, Entrepreneurship Models, ICT Professionalism Defined - Stephen Ibarak

...e also served as director of engineering at Alias|Wavefront managing t...ividuals: he established the Engineering Professional Community in a m...g HMC, she served as Dean of Engineering and Professor of Computer Sci...a member of the RIT Software Engineering Advisory Board, a charter mem...

4063 days ago

Documents & References for the COM ICT | domain General (2002-2011)

...ératif pour la formation des enseignants ? (Willi Stadelmann et Peter Labudde) Jan. 2008 Information Society in Switzerland EKS (Engineering the Knowledge Society) Forum...

4423 days ago

Documents & References for the COM ICT | domain e-SOCIETY (2002-2011)

...; de l’information : stratégie et contribution de la SATW N° 6 Ethics, octobre 2005 N° 2 e-Society, novembre 2004 EKS (Engineering the Knowledge Society) Forum...

4423 days ago