Results for "teacher education"


SUSTAINABLE ICT, EDUCATION and LEARNING A transversal language and understanding to support the activities including pedagogy and technologies at large: Towards MITIC: Media and ICT (Information - Communication Technologies) in Education

Towards MITIC: Media and ICT (Information -...bsp; Communication Technologies) in Education   A transversal lang...nologies at large: SUSTAINABLE ICT, EDUCATION and LEARNING[1]  ...20592/april-2527-2019sustainable-ict-education-and-learning-ifip-wg-34-inter...

923 days ago

KIDIMAKE-Project KDMK-EN-27022022

...ia SIMITSEK did her school level education in Paris and Athens. Back i...uired experience in the field of education, she returned to university as an appointedhigh school teacher of mathematics and technologies...gical content but to create real educational scenarios in order to incul...

950 days ago

Zanzibar Declaration-MITIC-end of FEBR 22-SUSTAINABLE ICT, EDUCATION and LEARNING A transversal language and understanding to support the activities including pedagogy and technologies at large: Towards MITIC: Media and ICT (Information - Communication Technologies) in Education

...tical methods, informatics) + teacher education to be able to teach, I can...ome accounts for students and teachers on Mark I in Zurich for Europe...the teacher training and the education. Even you have very serious n...rate the level of activities (teacher training, pedagogical projects,...

950 days ago

Elementary ICT Curriculum for Teacher Education Elementary ICT Curriculum for Teacher Training produced by a working party of th...  This Elementary ICT Curriculum for Teacher Training is a state-of-the-ar...for any honest twenty-first century schoolteacher.&...

950 days ago

Technologies for Education UNESCO-IITE 1997-1994

ICT in Teacher Education: Policy, Open Educational Resources and Partnership...ogies and ICT Competencies of Teachers DSuiapnpaoLrtianugrilTlaeradc...ITWIN/UNESCO Chairs on ICT in Education and UNESCO ASPnet Schools AU...s and Abilities of Multigrade Teachers through Arts and Science Proj...

956 days ago

Zanzibar Declaration (ZD) - Workshop final intermediate state End of February 2022

...o; (ZD) would focus on future educational chal-lenges that arise from...but of specific interest for education.Details of the ZD process, th...their specific perspectives (teacher, re-searcher, policy maker, etc...hnologies.Impacts on Society: Educational Challenges and Perspectives...

950 days ago

1995-Bernard Cornu-IUFM Grenoble-Teachers and teacher education facing ICT

[pdf-embedder url="" title="1995-Bernard Cornu-IUFM Grenoble-Teachers and teacher education facing ICT-20200721103459445"]

1442 days ago

WCC-2000-Improving teacher education through electronic portofolios-Andrea Bartlett" title="WCC-2000-Improving teacher education through electronic portofolio...

1444 days ago

juin 2001 - Prriorities for promoting ICT in teacher education in Europe-Users' needs - for teachers and teacher educator-the FETICHE Project

...020/09/juin-2001-Prriorities-for-promoting-ICT-in-teacher-education-in-Europe-Users-needs-for-teachers-and-teacher-educator-the-FET...n 2001 - Prriorities for promoting ICT in teacher education in Europe-Users' needs - for teachers and teacher educator-the FETIC...

1489 days ago