Results for "UNESCO"


2003-UNESCO Meta-survey on the Use of Technologies in Education Mr Glen M. Farrell, Ph. D. Senior Consultant Commonwealth of Learning October, 2003

metasurvey_2overview-1-28 More infos :  

879 days ago

Pour la Science N° 197 (mars 1984) - La vision stéréoscopique, sens méconnu de Jacques NINIO

[pdf-embedder url="éréoscopique-complet-202111191530.pdf"]

880 days ago

WSIS Flash | Issue 75, 28th of October 2021

...the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). The AHLF&C revolves a...

905 days ago

2005-UNESCO-Vers les sociétés du savoir

[pdf-embedder url="" title="Jerome-Binde-vers-la societe-du-savoir-141907f"]

980 days ago

2005-UNESCO-Information and communication technologies in ...-A HANDBOOK for TEACHERS

[pdf-embedder url=""] see also IMPLEMENTING WSIS OUTCOMES: experience to date and Prospects for the future  

981 days ago

2010-TIC UNESCO un référentiel de compétences pour les enseignants - UNESCO

[pdf-embedder url="" title="COB-Fr_S1.4_UNESCO_Referentiel_TIC(3)"]

991 days ago

2011-Unesco-Transforming Education, the Power of ICT Policies

[pdf-embedder url="" title="Transforming Education the Power of ICT Policies(1)"]

992 days ago

2005-Commission suisse pour l'Unesco-Accès a la lecture et à l'écriture pour tous ! Vers un concept global de lutte contre l'illétrisme en Suisseès-a-la-lecture-et-à-lé...contre-lillétrisme-en-Suisse.pdf" title="2005-Commission suisse pour l'Unesco-Accès a la lecture et à l'e...

996 days ago

...Science Education - J.Magenheim and S.SchubertGlobal Media and Information Literacy (MIL) Assessment Framework: Country Readiness and Competencies UnescoComputers and Education &ndash...

1143 days ago