Results for "UNESCO"


Universalité de l’Internet : un outil pour la construction des sociétés du savoir et de l’agenda pour le développement durable post-2015

...unication et de l’information de l’UNESCO élabore un nouveau con...circ;t une valeur spéciale pour l’UNESCO en particulier. En s’ l’Internet » peut aider l’UNESCO à faciliter la coop&ea...

3453 days ago

ICT to Innovate Educational Environment - Jongwon SEO Programme Specialist: ICT in Education UNESCO

3453 days ago

Computers and Education – a landscape Deryn Watson Emeritus Professor of Information Technologies and Education Department of Education and Professional Studies King’s College London London SE1 9NN, UK

...rst TC3 meeting in Paris in 1964, supported by UNESCO, 14 members wereappointed fro...eacherdevelopment [8-14]. These were funded by UNESCO, reviving a relationship with...scientific debatesThe relationship of TC3 with UNESCO, the sales and digital downlo...

1559 days ago

Declaration of Principles Building the Information Society: a global challenge in the new Millennium

...on, affirmation and preservation of diverse cultural identities and languages as reflected in relevant agreed United Nations documents including UNESCO's Universal Declaration on C...

3453 days ago