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Accueil du site > ICT commission (SATW) > 1 Aims and Scope

mercredi 25 août 2004, par Morel Raymond

Commission ICT [1]
(créée en 2002)


  • To stimulate, encourage and participate in research, development and application of Information and Communication Technology (ICT).
  • To provide a meeting place where national scientific communities national can discuss and plan courses of action on issues in ICT fields which are significance for Switzerland increasingly strong links between them and with IFIP.
  • To promote international co-operation directly and through national ICT Societies in a free environment between individuals, and national bodies.
  • To promote professionalism, incorporating high standards of ethics and conduct, among all ICT practitioners.
  • To provide a forum for assessing the social consequences of ICT applications ; to campaign for the safe and beneficial development and use of ICT and the protection of people from abuse through its improper application.
  • To foster and facilitate co-operation between academics, the ICT industry and governmental bodies and to seek to represent the interest of users.
  • To provide a vehicle for work on all the Swiss aspects of of ICT development and application including the necessary preparatory work for the integration of Switzerland in the international community.
  • To contribute to the formulation of the education and training needed by ICT practitioners, users and the public at large.


  • To support the development and exploration of fundamental concepts, models, theories, systems, and other basic tools and the understanding of laws, limits, and possibilities of information and communication technologies (ICT) as well as to de-velop bridges with other sciences and their applications (Foundations of Computer Science).
  • To understand all aspects of software development process including the specification, design, implementation and validation of software systems (SOFTWARE : Theory and Practice).
  • To provide a Swiss forum for educators to discuss research and practice in :
    • teaching ICT ;
    • educational uses of communication and information technologies (ICT) ;
    • models for ICT curricula, training programs, and teaching methodologies ;
    • relationship of ICT in other curriculum areas ;
    • impact of ICT on the whole educational environment (Education).
  • To collaborate with others Swiss academies : SAES, SAHS, SAMS.
  • To coordinate and to promote the exchange of information on computer applications in technology (Computer Applications in Technology).
  • To promote in Switzerland the exchange of information related to communication systems (Communication Systems).
  • To encourage and promote interactions among professionals from practice and research and advancement of investigation of concepts, methods, techniques, tools, and issues related to information systems in organisations (Information Systems).
  • To influence, with respect to individuals, groups, institutions and society, the applications of computers (Relationship between Computers and Society).
  • To encourage the reflexions on the reliability and general confidence in ICT, as well as to act as a forum for security managers and others professionally active in the field of ICT security (Security and Protection in Information Processing Systems).
  • To pay attention to the human-computer interaction and how to improve the human-computer relationship (Human-Computer Interaction).

Ce texte est inspiré des travaux de l’IFIP, base de collaborations internationales.


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Commission ICT (SATW)


[1] ICT : Information and Communication Technologies

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