
Participez au GovJam 2016 !

Think Services > Non classé > Participez au GovJam 2016 !

Auteur: Think Services 20 mai 2016



Du 31 mai au 1 juin – Battelle

Think Services, sous l’impulsion du professeur Jean-Henry Morin de l’Institut de Science de Service Informationnel participera au Global GovJam 2016. Ces ‘sprints de l’innovation dans le secteur public’ sont lancés simultanément dans de très nombreux pays sur un thème que les participants ne découvrent qu’à la dernière minute. Ils constituent tout à la fois pour eux l’occasion de cultiver des relations hors de leur cadre de travail habituel, de tester des outils de créativité et d’échanger des idées nouvelles, tout en élaborant un projet concret s’inscrivant dans le thème donné. Ici pas de concours, pas de prix; seulement la satisfaction d’avoir réalisé ensemble l’ébauche (ou plus) d’un projet innovant et d’avoir enrichi les réflexions de la communauté internationale des participants.

L’édition 2015 qui s’était tenue dans la cour de l’Hôtel de Ville a été un succès probant avec le prototypage de deux projets innovants. Mais les circonstances n’ont pas voulu que nous y reconduisions l’événement. C’est donc sur le site de Battelle (bâtiment A) que se tiendra du 31 mai au 1 juin l’édition 2016 du GovJam. L’événement sera ouvert à tous, que vous soyez collaborateur de l’université, étudiant, citoyen du canton ou simplement participant motivé, le tout de manière ‘organique’ et aussi peu contraignante que possible.

Avec cette instance genevoise du Global GovJam 2016, nous souhaitons avant tout :

  • illustrer la valeur ajoutée de démarches, de méthodes et d’outils innovants qui peuvent nous aider à imaginer les services publics de demain et l’université de demain
  • décloisonner les organisations et les ouvrir sur la cité en proposant un lieu de rencontre ‘vivant’ où collaborateurs de l’université, étudiants et citoyens peuvent échanger et créer ensemble…

…tout en montrant que cela peut être fun !

Service Box

Indications pratiques:

Lieu: Université

Comme nous n’allons pas « camper » 48 h et que nous avons tous des obligations professionnelles et privées, l’organisation générale se structure autour de 3 moments :

  • Mardi 31 mai : 17h – 21h Découverte du défi – brainstorming – pitch des projets potentiels – formation des équipes – apéritif
  • Mercredi 1 juin : 9h – 18h Réalisation du projet retenu

Le jeudi 2 juin au matin sera réservé si besoin à la publication des résultats genevois sur la plateforme du GovJam.

Cafés, croissants, bières, pizzas sont fournis sur place…

… vous apportez votre bonne humeur et votre créativité !

Accès libre, mais inscription souhaitée.


Contact: ou

un premier prototypage





Public Service gSpot (v0.1)

Embodies the values and enables the Living Lab initiative approach

The 2016 Global GovJam theme was very inspiring for the Geneva team. Disintermediation in the process of People 2 People public services immediately came to our mind. Most of our team members being involved in different capacities in innovation, we very quickly converged on addressing our chalenge in the context of a Living Lab initiative of the State of Geneva.

In particular, our design brief was : how might we facilitate the emergence of impactful projects in the public administration ecosystem based on the Living Lab.

Also, after several years participating in many jams (yes, we're addicted ;-) we really wanted to enhance the "Low Tech" prototyping approach. Which is exactly what we ended doing and had a lot of fun doing it.

The Geneva Living Lab is currently being designed. It aims at helping impactful project leaders grow their projects with a user centric approach using innovative multidisciplinary methods.

The Living Lab should be a catalyst for the innovative projects and we try to keep it as decentralized as possible. Each stakeholder (project leader, partner, civil servant, citizen, politician) should be able to undertake the approach and make the methods theirs.

First step was to give visibility and legitimacy to the stakeholder by enabling them to proudly claim and show their membership to the Living Lab. Our team came-up with the idea of creating an artefact (a GovSpot, aka code named gSpot) which embodies the values and enables the Living Lab initiative approach. Each stakeholder should be able to declare itself on the Web plateform of the Living Lab and configure his profile. This identifies him in the Living Lab community and makes him alive on a digital map of the ecosystem.

At the same time a gSpot artefact is produced (by non for profit organisation partner of the Livng Lab for example) and sent to him. This 25 or 30 cm wide object (see protoype below) is a heavy and tangible proof that he is now a proud member of the Living Lab ecosystem. The gSpot embeds an NFC interface containing the information about the gSpot (members, function, projects,...). The gSpot owner can proudly exhibit it in his organisation.

We imagined different ways to explicit some kind of 'innovation maturity index' information on the gSpot but we didn't manage to accomodate them on our first prototypes. Likewise, we also imagined a personal innovation badge that people could wear indicating their skill levels in terms of Methods and Technologies.

Our last realization is the prototype of a 'Project cube' (see below) which is designed to embark the knowledge of each project (if there is one) carried out at the gSpot. Again the cube is made tangible so that people can play with it (and even leave the gSpot with it). Inside the cube we imagined an Arduino connected to 6 displays (one on each face of the cube). With proper configuration, the system is able to 'tell the story' of the project. Again each cube could be produced by non for profit organisation partner of the Livng Lab. As many project you have realized with the Living Lab, as many cubes you have... These cubes can also be organized as art work and be part of an innovation journey across the GovSpots of the city which can be visualised in on an GovSpot area Heat-map.


Christopher Larraz
David Joliat
Jean-Henry Morin
Patrick Genoud
Paul Bristow
Raymond Morel
Reginald Maître
Viktor K0mpl1t@
Yves Zieba

(and Princess Leia, the 3D printer in the expert hands of David :)

Special thanks to for the food, Lara for the logistics and CUI Open Innovation Lounge for hosting the 2016 Geneva GovJam spot.

Creative Commons Licence





Projects 2016

Awesome! Jammers created 125 projects so far. Keep jamming!


GovJam Melbourne

Global taste, local flavour
CommUnity: Creating Connections
Rock all over the clock
A local ride sharing services to connect young people in rural areas to learning and development opportunities
Don't waste your talent


GovJam Vienna

Government Network Austria Virtuelle Verwaltung Österreich
An app for the public service sector.
a shaming award for the worst public services.


Govjam Hasselt

Oh, I Still Can
Op zoek naar hulp voor je kind, volg Alpha
Love in action - H³ (head - heart - hands)
Verenigingen en scholen versterken elkaar ovv zinvolle vrijetijdsbesteding

GovJam Gent

App to help people who need care to go through their day independently
ondersteunign i nde vor mvan informatie en begrip vanuit de lokale gemeenschap
SPOC - one single checkup point
Vereenvoudigen van de administratieve last voor mensen met een chronische ziekte

Govjam Brussel

Breng het gemeentebeleid op tafel!
Zoek het niet te ver! Je buurt heeft meer te bieden dan je denkt.


Gov Jam São Paulo

#Toinovando #inovacao #youth #jam
What if the people can feel being citizens in a virtual place?
It is a Youth Olympic Game where learning to collaborate and create collective solutions is the prize.
Estimular a participação dos pais nas atividades da escola dos filhos
Elevando a confiança dos usuários da rede pública de saúde a partir de um serviço humanizado e eficiente.
Ferramentas para empoderar as pessoas em situação de rua

GovJam Londrina

O Segredo para o Acesso
#informação #acessibilidade #facilidade
Government Solutions to Improve the tourists experiences during in the Olympic Games 2016
Como Integrar a Multiculturalidade Social na Cidade de Londrina - How to Integrate Social Multiculturalism
conecting city
Comunicação e Interface entre as instituições públicas e a sociedade

Curitiba Gov Jam

cocriation, colaboration, city, pratic action, protagonism, integration, solving city problems, citizens
O que você quer fazer por Curitiba?
tourism, residents, trip, connecting people, security
#citizenengagment #cityhub #customerjourneymap #transparency #empowerment #accountability

Recife GovJam

Compartilha, em tempo real, as informações dos serviços públicos disponíveis mais próximo do cidadão.
Orientar as pessoas que precisam encontrar um emprego, capacitação ou empreender.

GovJam Floripa

Informações em tempo real sobre o transporte público
Programa de vivência política para crianças nas escolas
Aplicativo que visa conectar os cidadãos ao governo municipal
Plataforma de gestão de pessoas para prefeitura municipal


Bogotá GovJam

Empowerment and entrepreneurship for highschool students. / Emprendimiento para jóvenes de grados 10 y 11.
Devolverles a los presidiarios un rol en la sociedad al hacerlos productivos
Herramienta digital que conecta tus necesidades y problemas cotidianos con las entidades que le dan solución
Es la solución para mejorar la atención en salas de urgencias y hacer seguimiento al estado de los pacientes.
Ayudamos a reinsertados y victimas de la violencia para que se conecten con la sociedad desde sus talentos
Educative campaign to teach the importance of participation through voting for a just and free society
Construyendo redes de valor para las victimas del post conflicto Colombiano
Plataforma gubernamental de historias clínicas y datos estadísticos de las empresas del sector de la salud.

Czech Republic

GovJam Brno 2016

Uninhabitable apartments come to life as volunteers and experienced mentors work together to repair them.
Intergenerational experience sharing


Toulouse GovJam

The Public Services have time for you and with you !
Regained dialogue


The website IS the prototype: check it out!



Dealing with homelessness? Get savvy.
Explore, experience, learn new things
The public sector where, when, how you need.


To bring the true stories from inside the prison to the outside world. To tell the "gevangen verhalen"
We improve the parking experience at Rotterdam by a hacking city council parking house using local currency
A concept to trigger people to take care of eachother in Rotterdam-Noord
Create your own future!
Samen goed wonen


Krakow Pirate Jam

#sasiedzi #naklejki #przyjaznysasiad #dobrerelacje #jakosczycia #zyciewmiesie
bus stop to talk, talk, bus, stop, people, small-talk, together, nice, yolo, chat, connecting people
Here is a project which can help people to overcome the fear of otherness.
Here is a project which can help people to overcome fears of cultural strangers.
zoo animlals comunication team buld new way of tlking

Warsaw GovJam 2016

Multicultural Exchange
#generationgap #integration #family #relation #interaction
Change, Fear, status Quo,
How can we help neighbors get to know each other?

Lodz GovJam

Junky stuff supplying pleasureable environments
brain, thoughts, decoder


Madeira Gov Jam

getting oriented through an interactive kiosk
Comunication isues

Puerto Rico

San Juan GovJam 2016

Engaging youth through education via technology.
Green is our name. Energy is our game.
Change the system, not the transportation

Saudi Arabia

Riyadh GovJam2016

Where entertainment and government services finally come together!
One Stop Shop for all government services required from birth to death living in Saudi Arabia


Barcelona GovJam

Adapted city for a sustainable mobility
Promote the creativity in the public administration and make it visible
Banc de talent per conectar i innovar socialment
My precious could be our precious!!!
Turning borders into bridges
make possible collaboration between people alone/disabled and volunteers.
make the best of your journey. help people who are not able to move
Easying the language for a better understanding.
CCompartir habilitats,recursos i experiències


Embodies the values and enables the Living Lab initiative approach


Chiang Mai Public Service Jam

Easy traffic rules
Air Pollution Alert App and Air Pollution Treatment Service Station
Childern to school,fast to school

Khonkaen Public Service Jam

Thailand funeral processes
Urban Infrastr