Results for "Wikileaks e-Democracy Transparency Privacy"


Geert Lovink, Patrice Riemens Twelve theses on WikiLeaks from Eurozine

Vindictive, politicized, conspiratorial, reckless: one need not agree with WikiLeaks'modus operandi to acknowledge its service to democracy. Geert Lovink and PatriceRiemens see in WikiLeaks indications of a new culture of exposure beyond thetraditional politics of openness and transparency. http...

Tags: Wikileaks e-Democracy Transparency Privacy

4890 days ago

Twelve theses on WikiLeaks

Twelve theses on WikiLeaks Vindictive, politicized, conspiratorial, reckless: one need not agree with WikiLeaks' modus operandi to acknowledge its service to democracy. Geert Lovink and Patrice Riemens see in WikiLeaks indications of a new culture of exposure beyond the traditional politics ...

Tags: wikileaks e-democracy transparency privacy

4890 days ago