Results for "Digital Migrant"

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Inclusion & Cultural Diversity The potential of ICT for the socio-economic inclusion of groups at risk of social exclusion and poverty

...ns for workers in general and migrant workers in particular, to...c change. In this context, digital inclusion (including access,, focusing in particular on Digital Inclusion initiatives and...ICT for integration of immigrants & ethnic minorities (IEM...

3929 days ago

Inclusion & Cultural Diversity The potential of ICT for the socio-economic inclusion of groups at risk of social exclusion and poverty

...ns for workers in general and migrant workers in particular, to s...ic change. In this context, digital inclusion (including access,, focusing in particular on Digital Inclusion initiatives and t...ICT for integration of immigrants & ethnic minorities (IEM...

3929 days ago


1 EUROPEAN COMMISSION JOINT RESEARCH CENTRE Institute for Prospective Studies Information Society Unit Digital Games for Empowerment and Inclusion (DGEI) The Potential of Digital Games for Empowerment and Soc...rt Exploring the Potential Impact of Digital...

...nhancing civic participation. Digital games can be used with many t...with chronic illness and help migrant integration. When given the a...he basis for a growth market. Digital games design offers young 15 Context and outcomes of Digital Game-based practices ...........

4100 days ago

Living and Working in the Information Society: Quality of Life in a Digital World. European Media Technology and Everyday Life Network (EMTEL) - JRC

"              &...shots of the contemporary use and non-use of ICTs in different settings suchas migrant highly-skilled researchers in...

4100 days ago


Quelle école pour la génération numérique ?

Bernard Cornu a présenté au SFEM'2010 dans le cadre de la Worlddidac une première réflexion sur cette problématique organisée comme suit : <!--StartFragment--> La "génération numérique" Les savoirs pour la "gé...

...ducational Trend, Complexity, Ethics, Digital-Identity, Social-Network, Col...ive-Working, Collective-Intelligence, Digital-Resources, Learning-Divide, D...y, e-readiness, e-literate, Strategy, Digital-Agenda, Vision, Digital Native, Digital Migrant

1378 days ago