Results for "and where near all economic and sociological models are disrupted ? Sub-Title: The key prerequisites"


IFIP-G4-Social-IN3 feedback, activities and foresight - “glocal” Civil Society Movements

...ion 318 - “How to apply and achieve the 17 SDGs in a world where technological evolution is exponential, and where near all economic and sociological models are disrupted ?” - The key prerequisites, the tools and methodologies,...

2170 days ago

IFIP Insights News from IFIP members, technical committees and ICT sector around the world - Monday, April. 30, 2018 Congress (WCC) 2018 in Poland in September. Dr Camenisch j&helli...on 318 - “How to apply and achieve the 17 SDGs in a world where technological evolution is exponential, and where near all economic and sociological models are disrupted ?” - The key prerequisites, the tools and met...

2193 days ago

...) Workshop accepted - Title: How to apply and achieve the 17 SDGs in a world where technological evolution is exponential, and where near all economic and sociological models are disrupted ? Sub-Title: The key prerequisites, the tools and methodologies, structures and cultures

...ionnal growth, but also break the status quo. The way to produce and to exchange goods & chain, the value chain and all associated ecosystem, Education and knowledge diffusion are changing, forever. We have to...mplex issues. The Living Labs are the places where complex issues can be resol...

2262 days ago