Results for "EUN"

Bookmarked items Seville, Spain. IPTS ran 2 workshops with teachers on the future of learning, was involved in presenting the results from the joint IPTS-EUN survey with teachers from E...

3849 days ago

Learning & Skills - The use and potential of ICT for learning, education and training -JRC

...y in Seville, Spain. IPTS ran 2 workshops with teachers on the future of learning, was involved in presenting the results from the joint IPTS-EUN survey with teachers from E...

3849 days ago

Learning & Skills - The use and potential of ICT for learning, education and training -JRC

...y in Seville, Spain. IPTS ran 2 workshops with teachers on the future of learning, was involved in presenting the results from the joint IPTS-EUN survey with teachers from E...

4020 days ago

Documents & References for the COM ICT | domain e- EDUCATION (2002-2011)

...rt durch die Schweizerische Akademie der Technischen Wissenschaften (SATW Com ICT). Study of the impact of technology in primary schools

2892 days ago