Results for "new roles of the teacher"


Informatics education: Europe cannot afford to miss the boat


...ucation hybrid-learning status-of-error teacher-education knowledge infor...-recommandations MEN France learning-at-the-digital-age coding-gouter kdm...l-research digital-pedagogy Venice-Time new-grammar Teacher education, new roles of the teacher, digital pedagogy, learni...

3456 days ago

Dialogue Michel Serres et Bernard Stiegler (complet) - vidéo

voir aussi Le Terrien vit désormais en Suisse - Michel Serres Après avoir lu ce texte, quelle est votre réaction ? Temps de crises de Michel Serres Je vous ...

Tags: teacher education, new roles of the teacher, digital pedagogy, learning 2.0, lifelong-learning digital native net generation digital-education ted iicd switzerland informatique informatik hasler literacy e-literacy cdip edk swiss-education

3757 days ago

"Michel Serres: "Les enseignants sont totalement désorientés"

"Michel Serres: "Les enseignants sont totalement désorientés"Par Marie Caroline Missir, publié le 15/11/2013 à  19:29 Le philosophe et académicien Michel Serres analyse les transformations à l'oeuvre dans l'éducation, et éclaire le mala...

Tags: michel serres teacher education, new roles of the teacher, digital pedagogy, learning 2.0, lifelong-learning digital native net generation digital-education ted iicd switzerland informatique informatik hasler literacy e-literacy cdip edk swiss-education

3800 days ago

Petite Poucette - Le monde a tellement changé que les jeunes doivent tout réinventer: une manière - Michel Serres

citations de « Petite Poucette » livre de Michel Serres qui cernebien la différence entre  « digital natives »  et  « digital migrants »J’espère que cette collection de perles vous donnera l’envie d’acheter...

Tags: Teacher education, new roles of the teacher, digital pedagogy, learning 2.0, Lifelong-learning digital native Net Generation digital-education TED IICD Switzerland Informatique Informatik Hasler literacy e-literacy CDIP EDK Swiss-education

3830 days ago

Une « Grande cause nationale » et une lettre de Vincent Peillon EPI oct 2013

Je rêve de lire un paragraphe de ce style en Suisse (pourquoi pas de notre nouveau Ministre de la Formation depuis le 1er janvier 2013 !!!)  

Tags: Ken-Robinson education crisis TED-Talk EPI Peillon LIVRE.gpy France image Teacher education, new roles of the teacher, digital pedagogy, learning 2.0, Lifelong-learning digital native Net Generat...

3456 days ago

La personnalisation des apprentissages - Agir face à l'hétérogénéité, à l'école et au collège - Sylvain Connac

Tags: Teacher education, new roles of the teacher, digital pedagogy, learning 2.0, Lifelong-learning digital native Net Generation digital-education personalisation methodology individualisation differenciation evaluation competencies organisation pear-review citizen citizenship

4019 days ago

informatique@gymnase - un projet pour la Suisse - Hasler Stiftung - Jürg Kohlas, Jürg Schmid, Carl-August Zehnder

Tags: Teacher education, new roles of the teacher, digital pedagogy, LIVRE.gpy, learning 2.0, Lifelong-learning digital native Net Generation digital-education TED IICD Switzerland Informatique Informatik Hasler literacy e-literacy CDIP EDK Swiss-education

3455 days ago

David Instance (OECD): "Look beyond the structure of schooling"

  " Why innovation? Why learning? In 2009, nearly 20% of 15-year-olds participating in the OECD’s Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), which measures learners’ knowledge and skills in mathematics, reading and science, failed to perform at levels commonl...

Tags: teacher education, new roles of the teacher, digital pedagogy, learning 2.0, lifelong-learning digital native net generation digital-education ted iicd ceri ocde

4051 days ago

the theory and rhetoric of the learning society - Mark K. Smith

" The idea of the learning society has featured strongly in recent pronouncements around adult and lifelong learning. But what actually is the learning society? How have notions of the learning society developed. We the theory and rhetoric of the learning society and provide an introductory g...

Tags: teacher education, new roles of the teacher, digital pedagogy, learning 2.0, lifelong-learning digital native net generation digital-education ted

4051 days ago

The 10 Skills Modern Teachers Must Have

"There’s been a lot of talk about 21st century learners, 21st century teachers, and connected classrooms. There’s a daily influx of new technology into your inbox and your classroom feels woefully behind the times even if you’re flipping your 1:1 iPad classroom that’s...

Tags: teacher education, new roles of the teacher, digital pedagogy, learning 2.0, lifelong-learning digital native net generation digital-education ted iicd

4054 days ago